Non-profit organizations like Water for Chad are making use of solar energy to address the country’s water crisis sustainably. By installing solar-powered water pumps, they harness Chad’s abundant sunlight to extract water from underground aquifers. These systems are eco-friendly, cost-effective, and resilient, offering a long-term solution to communities previously reliant on contaminated surface water or seasonal rivers.

Linking Solar Energy and WASH Programs
Access to clean water is integral to water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) initiatives. Solar-powered systems provide a reliable supply, reducing the time women and children spend fetching water and minimizing downtime, and communities are no longer put at risk with waterborne diseases. In villages equipped with solar systems, incidences of these illnesses have dropped, significantly improving public health.
Mitigating Floods and Protecting the Water Cycle
While floods are a natural part of Chad’s water cycle, they often destroy fragile infrastructure and contaminate water sources. Water for Chad incorporates flood prevention measures, such as reinforced wells and raised pump stations, ensuring water remains safe and accessible during heavy rains.
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