Water Sanitation Hygiene

The Dual Threat of Drought and Flood in Chad

Chad, a country already grappling with water scarcity, faces an escalating crisis as climate change amplifies the frequency and intensity of drought and flood. These extreme weather events disrupt the natural water cycle, threatening lives, livelihoods, and the environment. Climate Change and Its Impact on Chad’s Water Cycle Water for Chad’s Response: Building Resilience Water … Read more

L’Impact des Systèmes de Forage d’Eau Potable au Tchad

Le Tchad est limité en ressources en eau de surface, souvent sujettes à la pollution et au tarissement saisonnier. Les systèmes de forages profonds permettent d’exploiter les nappes phréatiques, une solution alternative. Cette solution permet de fournir de l’eau propre à plus de 50 000 personnes chaque année. Contrairement aux puits classiques, ces systèmes donnent … Read more

Hygiène et Assainissement : Les Priorités pour Water for Chad

Au Tchad, le manque d’installations d’assainissement favorise la défécation en plein air ; c’est une réalité alarmante. Ceci contamine les sources d’eau et propage des maladies, qui causent la mort de milliers d’enfants de moins de cinq ans. Face à cette urgence, Water for Chad place l’hygiène et l’assainissement au cœur de ses actions. L’Importance … Read more

The Role of Sanitation in Flood Prevention

Floods are a growing threat in Chad, where extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. Beyond displacing communities and destroying infrastructure, floods often lead to severe public health crises due to poor sanitation. Contaminated flood waters spread waterborne disease, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations. Flood prevention stands as a key element for Chadian populations’ safety and … Read more

Why WASH is Key to Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Chad

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs are not just about clean water—they are instrumental in fighting poverty. In Chad, where millions lack access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation, WASH initiatives led by non-profits like Water for Chad are transforming lives by addressing the root causes of poverty. Improving Health for Stronger Communities Unsafe … Read more

The Human Cost of Unsafe Water in Chad

With 57% of rural residents lacking access to basic drinking water, unsafe water sources are a harsh reality for millions. The consequences are dire—waterborne diseases such as diarrhea claim an estimated 19,000 lives annually, primarily affecting children under five. The Devastating Impact of Unsafe Water Contaminated water is the root cause of preventable illnesses like … Read more

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